Who we are

Hi there, and welcome to the Clover Patch Creative! I’m Stacy, the creative and designer behind the Clover Patch Creative. I live in Oklahoma and have been crocheting (and knitting) since 2013. My grandma passed that year. She was an avid crocheter and my inspiration. I always wanted her to teach me, but she was a lefty and I’m a righty so she wasn’t entirely sure how to go about doing that. After she passed I was determined to learn. I bought a how to crochet book and watched a bunch of online tutorials. After a whole lot of perseverance and patience I finally figured it out and have had a crochet hook in my hand ever since. I crochet most every day because I find it incredibly relaxing and therapeutic. What really fuels my fire though is the design process… imagining a project (usually a blanket), thinking about what stitch(es) to use, mulling over color combinations, deciding on the yarn… then watching all that come to fruition stitch by stitch and row by row till I eventually have a beautiful and practical piece of art. It’s pretty darn great! Why the name Clover Patch Creative? Well, my yard is a sea of clover during the spring and fall months, and I’m the creative who lives here. Also Clover Amour hooks are my absolute favorite crochet hooks, and I use them for most of my projects. So the name just made sense. It’s not unusual to find me poking around outside amongst the clovers searching for 4-leafers. I don’t believe they’re good luck or anything like that. It’s really just a game for me. A seek and find if you will. I do think it’s a reminder of sorts though, that the extraordinary is oftentimes found right in the big middle of the ordinary. You just have to look for it. That’s actually kind of what creatives do, isn’t it? We see ordinary objects and think of how to make extraordinary things with them. Creatives of the crochet variety don’t just see some simple string. We see the possibility of something beautiful and lovely and practical and cozy and warm. Then we take our ordinary hook and that ordinary string and craft that possibility into a reality. It’s an amazing and rewarding process to say the least.

I hope I am able to help you in some small way along your own creative journey!

If you’d like to see what’s currently on my hook or hear about up and coming patterns you can find me on Facebook and Instagram (@cloverpatchcreative). If you’re looking for some helpful tutorials check out my YouTube channel (@cloverpatchcreative2232).

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and look around. I hope you find something you love!

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!